There are many places on the web that offer pay for gold maps or other information on wherre to find gold. However, it is important to understand “Where to Find Gold” is about understanding where gold has been found in the past and then doing some dead reckoning on where you may find it in the future. Past claims are good indicator about where you may find gold in the future. In fact, there are many claims that had become unprofitable as gold prices had declined only to become profitable once again now that technology has made them feasible and that gold prices have hit new all time highs. This is likely to be the case for the foreseeable future also.
One should look to find current active claims that are registered with the Beureau of Land Management. There are web resources available such as mine cache where you can find other inactive claims. By comparing the current with the historical you may be able to find a profitable prospect. This is especially true of the American West where there are many rich resources yet to be found. You can also look at our tuturial section to see if that training is right for you.
In places of high personal property ownership, one must gain permisssion from the land owner to search for gold on that land. Generally, these require resources of geological history to find places where gold may be found. Mine cache may not work in these instances. There are public places available from the USGS that provide good insight into where gold can be found. This includes much of the eastern part of North America.
In central and South America there are many reserves and resources available and laws are different from country to country but many follow US type laws that provide incentives to the prospector while getting some revenue for the land being used.
Look to the gold prospector tutorial section to help you on your way to prospect for gold.